5 Fun Things to do in Lockdown UK

5 Fun Things to do in Lockdown UK

By Phoebe Griffiths

Are you bored at home? Of course, you are, it’s 2021. 

Right now staying at home is the safest thing to do, but it does mean you’ll often find yourself searching for fun things to do in lockdown. After spending nearly all of our time indoors for the best part of a year, it’s normal to feel like you’re running out of indoor activities that’ll keep you entertained. It’s time to get creative with your long afternoons and discover the world of arts and crafts with virtual classes and craft kits

The days when we’d relish a little downtime in front of the television or the rare opportunity of going to bed at 9pm might be gone. And yes, you might have to stay in your own four walls for a little longer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find something productive and stimulating to fill your time. You never know, you might become so engrossed in your new hobby or craft, that you forget about your 9pm bedtime. 

Whether you need things to do on a rainy day at home or romantic at home date night ideas, here is our list of five fun things to do in lockdown in the UK.

A person drinking a hot drink whilst on a laptop

1. Terrarium kits

Looking for things to make at home? Learn how to make a terrarium with our craft boxes and classes, and become the master of your own little ecosystem. 

What is a terrarium? Good question. A glass terrarium is a tiny garden that lives inside a sealable glass container. Imagine an aquarium, but with self-sustaining plants! That’s right, they can usually look after themselves as the plants can water themselves through transpiration and condensation. So, you don’t even have to commit to looking after another needy house plant that wilts after a few days without water.

Now that most of us are working from home, a homemade terrarium can also brighten up any workspace and remind you of your new skill! Although terrarium kits might seem like they’re the perfect craft kits for adults, they’re also great if you’re looking for some kids arts and crafts to do too!

Terrarium making classes are great for beginners and plant killers alike and will keep you, and your children, entertained for hours.

2. Cocktail making classes at home

We might not be able to spend the night and early hours of the morning sipping on cocktails at our favourite bar anymore (thanks 10pm curfew!) — but that doesn’t mean your love affair with cocktails should be over!

Cocktail making kits are a great option for when you’re sat wondering what to do this weekend at home or if you’re thinking about what crafts for adults there are out there. Instead of feeling like you’re missing out this weekend, why not get a group of friends together and share in an evening of merrymaking and cocktail making?

You can become your own mixologist with a cocktails kit and a virtual cocktail making class. Not only is it a great way to have fun with your friends and get a little jolly, but you can learn a new skill ready for any future dinner parties. When it comes to virtual dating or you are celebrating an anniversary it can be a struggle to find at home date night ideas — look no further, cocktail making classes are perfect for romantic evenings and offer something a little bit different from the usual takeaway and a movie. 

You should add cocktail making classes to your list of fun things to do in lockdown now. So that once normality is restored you can show off your skills at London cocktail classes and impress your friends and family! 

A person at a bar holding a blue cocktail

3. Make your own candles 

Surely, there is nothing more relaxing than lying in the bath with the smell of perfectly curated scents from handmade candles wafting through the air. If you’re searching for things to do on a rainy day at home or a relaxing craft box to get stuck into, cosy candle making kits are an excellent choice.

When it comes to indoor activities, learning to make candles might just be the most relaxing of them all. Not only do scented candles promote a sense of wellbeing but the actual act of making them can transport you to a world of mindful, yet fun, relaxation, and keep the boredom at bay. 

But, that isn’t the only benefit you’ll discover when investing in candle making kits or an online class. Did you know that many store-bought candles contain paraffin and when burned can release harmful chemicals? However, homemade candles often use natural alternatives like soy wax.

Candle making kits also allow you to have full control, you can even experiment and find new scents to fill your home with.

4. Pottery at home 

You make think pottery is just for the studio, but with a pottery at home kit, creating beautiful ceramics can be done in the comfort of your own home. 

Pottery is the ideal craft kit if you’re sat pondering what to do when bored at home. It’ll get you out of your slumber, get you creating, and even get your hands a little dirty! 

Even if you’re a complete beginner, we all have to start somewhere and this is the perfect way to start. You could even convince a friend, partner or family member to join you, especially if they’re also looking for productive things to do at home! 

The ceramics you create could decorate your own space or be given as a thoughtful homemade gift, especially as Christmas approaches. A pottery kit is also a great idea if you’re trying to find Christmas craft ideas as you could try some festive ceramics! 

Making pottery at home is the perfect activity if you need fun things to do in lockdown. You never know, this could be your new thing, and it can be all be done without access to a pottery studio or any prior knowledge. 

A person preparing clay to make handmade pottery

5. An online cooking course

Yes, here in Britain we’re having to stay in our homes more and yes it is incredibly dull. But, all this downtime could turn you into the chef you’ve always dreamed of becoming. If you’re searching for productive things to do at home, improving your cooking skills might just be the exact thing you’ve been looking for. 

Learning to cook delicious meals for yourself is not only an important act of self-care, but it is a great way to pass the time if you’re stuck inside bored. You could take a course, or even just a one-off online class if there’s something specific you’d like to make like sushi or gnocchi. Some classes can come with a cooking kit provided, meaning you won’t even need to step outside your house for ingredients!

A family making a pizza from scratch

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