5 Self Care Tips If You're in UK High Tier Lockdown

5 Self Care Tips If You're in UK High Tier Lockdown

By Phoebe Griffiths

Relaxing, taking a step back and looking after your mental health, might not be what’s on your mind right now as most of the UK enter into high tier lockdown. With the second-wave causing waves of distress throughout the whole of Britain, it is easy to forget to prioritise yourself and your mental health. Yet, self-care activities are incredibly important. Our virtual classes with craft kits are a great place to start. 

Not only do you need to stay physically safe whilst you’re in UK tier 2 lockdown, but you also need to stay mentally safe. That’s where self-care comes in. 

Often when people think of self-care, they might imagine sitting in the bath with a face mask on whilst drinking a tall glass of wine (or some variation of that). While this undoubtedly a beautiful act of self-care, it is not the only way to look after yourself. Whilst you’re stuck in UK lockdown and are looking for ways to unwind or take care of yourself as you battle through another lockdown, we’re here to help.  

Let us be your guide as we take you through our top tips for self-care and finding mental respite...

Try some stimulating crafts for adults

When you’re wondering what to do when bored at home this lockdown, instead of mindlessly watching Netflix - why not try another way to stimulate your mind in a more productive way?

DIY crafts and online art classes are a great way to switch off from the world around you, reduce your stress levels and stimulate your brain. Aside from the health benefits of reducing stress, finding creative hobbies or art and craft for adults that you will enjoy will help to cure the boredom! 

Getting creative with art and crafts is simply enjoyable. Allowing yourself the time and space to enjoy something like an online art class is what self-care is all about! If you’re stuck indoors in a very high tier lockdown, venturing out to craft workshops might not be possible. In this case, online virtual experiences are the perfect option. You can also get crafting kits or craft boxes delivered to anywhere in the UK, so there’s no excuse why you can’t show yourself a bit of love and try some crafts for adults.  

A painted butterfly made using watercolor painting techniques

Fill your space with calming homemade candles

Nothing says “I’m practising self-care” quite like a lit scented candle. When the world outside is kind of scary place, making your surroundings a cosy, safe and relaxing place is an incredibly powerful act of self-care. Whether you are in tier 2 London lockdown or tier 3 Liverpool lockdown, you can remind yourself that you’re safe at home. 

Sourcing your homemade candles can be an act of self-care too. Instead of buying them from the shop, why not spend a relaxing afternoon crafting them yourself? That’s right, you could learn how to make candles at home with an online candle making class and a soy candle making kit. 

Did you know that shop-bought candles often have chemicals in them that can be toxic? That’s why learning how to make soy candles is another way to look out for yourself! 

So when you’re wondering what DIY crafts to get stuck into, why not consider taking a candle making course online? 

Two lit large candles

Connect with loved ones

Surrounding yourself with all your favourite people might not be possible at the moment if you’re in high tier lockdown but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay in touch. There is a difference, however, between simply staying in touch with people and actually having a good time with friends and family. That’s why if you’re looking for fun online indoor activities or zoom date ideas for your partner or friend, then you should consider taking an online class with them.

With a virtual class like learning how to make cocktails online or an online cooking course, it’ll feel like your friends are right there in the room with you! Not only that, but you’ll have fun creating and learning a new skill, instead of another night of lockdown-boredom.

Want to know the best part about doing a virtual cooking class or cocktail making at home with your friends over zoom? You get to eat or drink all your creations without sharing!

Spending time with people who build you up and make you feel loved may not be what you consider your usual act of self-care. However, connecting with loved ones will help you to relax and release endorphins (especially with all the laughing you’ll be doing whilst you attempt to make cocktails at home together!). 

Encourage your friends and family to continue looking after themselves with a gift experience for her in London

A person using pottery tools to decorate their handmade pottery bowl

Learn a new skill you’ll enjoy

If you’re constantly thinking about productive things to do at home you could do but never seem to get any of them done, firstly you’re not alone. Secondly, it might be time to learn a new skill. We’re not talking about plumbing or coding, or anything like that. We’re talking about something you would truly enjoy. 

Learning a new skill doesn’t have to be entirely practical or business-related - it can just be for you. When it comes to self-care, the most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself! Whether you’re England, Scotland or Wales, a second wave has hit and acknowledging that we’re not going to be our most productive selves right now is an act of self-care you might want to try. 

With that being said, finding productive things to do at home is still something you should consider trying in the name of self-care - but only if that productive thing is something you will find fun

For example, if you love plants and greenery as well as using your hands, you could try learning how to make a terrarium by finding some terrarium kits to get stuck into. Or, if you’re the arty type and the idea of physically moulding something with your hands appeals to you why not try a pottery at home kit?

From learning a new skill, you’ll be investing time in yourself to do something you enjoy as well gaining a sense of accomplishment from creating or learning something. With your newfound skill or hobby, you can start to fill your time with more productive, enjoyable activities to get you through this second lockdown! 

A person chopping vegetables

Look after yourself

Lastly, we think that whatever your acts of self-care look like, from buying yourself a large box of chocolates to making homemade candles to adorn your bubble bath with, make sure that you’re looking after yourself. Whether you’re UK high tier lockdown or medium tier lockdown, stay safe and stay happy!

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